SPW News & Notes (03/21/13)

-SPW returns to Arborg, Manitoba this Saturday March 23rd at the Arborg BiFrost Community Centre. Signed for this event: “Hardcore Kid” Chip Fletcher Vs “German Juggernaut” Moses Luke, James Beaver Vs SPW Heavyweight Champion Jethro Hawg, “Really Crazy” Rob Stardom, “Hotshot” Danny Duggan, MARIUS, Butch Tolton, SPW Tag Team Champion SYKO, Sydney Manson and more!

-SPW TV: Episode 3 is online and available right here on SteeltownProWrestling.ca and the official SPW YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/SteeltownProWrestlin.

-Don’t forget you can watch all three SPW TV episodes right here on SteeltownProWrestling.ca in the SPW TV section of the website.

-SPW TV: Episode 4 will be available online in a few days.

-Following this Saturdays Arborg event, all eyes turn to April 13th at the Casa do Minho in Winnipeg, Manitoba where SPW will celebrate its 5th Anniversary!

-Find out what’s in store for the 5th Anniversary over the next two weeks right here on SteeltownProWrestling.ca.

-What’s in store for SPW following the 5th Anniversary celebrations? Stay tuned!