Steeltown Stories: Christmas Battle Bowl by John Henry It was quite the scene backstage, no details and no specifics were yet given regarding the main event of the evening, the first ever Christmas Battle Bowl. As wrestlers piled into the dressing the same question could be heard again and again “What’s a Christmas Battle Bowl? What are the rules? Who’s in it”; by the time everybody had arrived it felt like a running gag, one that Dale Barnett seemed to be getting a kick out of. For the record, it was giving me a few chuckles to.
Once everyone was on sight and it was time for the standard crew meeting, Dale Barnett went over the specifics. Everyone, including wrestlers (male and female), valets, managers, referees, photographers, and ring announcers would have their names put in a bowl. Before the match, everyone would file out and surround the ring like they would do during a lumberjack match. During preset time intervals, the bowl would be given to a member of the audience who would pick a name out of the hat at random. When your name was announced you would enter the ring. Like a battle royal you would be eliminated from the match by being thrown over the top rope. Before being called to action and after elimination you would remain at ringside acting a lumberjack, allowed to tamper and mess with the participants in the ring from your ringside position. The winner of the match would be awarded a championship opportunity in the New Year.
It seemed like an odd concept as it was being explained but the execution provided for a memorable, fun and exciting experience full of surprises and unpredictable scenarios. The match started off with a cat fight between two of the Wild Women of SPW, photographer Shawn Coates’ name was called (unbeknownst to him) as was announcer Dave King who was handling the duties of announcing the names so he announced himself! Even the referees declaring if you were eliminated were called into action and when eliminated went right back to their officiating duties. It was quite the scene.
In the end, SPW’s resident luchadore La Sombra was the last surviving participant and as the winner received an SPW Heavyweight Championship match against Ike Idol on January 24th, 2012. He won that title match and became the champion. Merry Christmas to La Sombra!
Following the success of the 2011 Christmas Battle Bowl, SPW officials hoped to make it an annual tradition starting with the 2nd annual Christmas Battle Bowl on Saturday December 1st at Christmas Catastrophe IV.
Who know what sort of shenanigans may ensue!?!