Jethro Hawg Blog (02/08/13)

It's time for yet another instalment of the "Jethro Hawg Blog"!!

Many folks ask me what my future looks like in Professional favourite answer comes in the form of a cliché I heard years ago, "Youth is wasted on the young!" My love and passion for this crazy business has been known to many for quite some time. I've pushed through some serious injuries, fought past some really tough politics and survived in times when many others just fell by the wayside. With all that said and done I have never been more excited about the future of wrestling right here in our area!

With SPW securing a deal to have a weekly television show along with the hard work and dedication of a select few, things really are getting better! It's not without, no, things worth doing rarely come easy, if they did everyone would do it. Even though we are surrounded by naysayers and negative folks who mumble under their breath and post anonymously on chat rooms boards, we few push on and try to make the local Wrestling business just a bit better than it was when we found it. As for me personally, if I can get out of bed, put on my wrestling boots, pull up my own coveralls...I'll be there doing my best to entertain the folks who have spent their hard earned entertainment bucks!! I may not be no Terry Funk or Ric Flair but Lord willing you'll see me at the show!!

Speaking of the show, I've been locked in a bitter battle with a young British kid (whom I took way too lightly in the beginning), by the name of James Beaver. This youngen' has pushed me hard, busting me up on a few occasions and literally having me hang on to my Steeltown Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title by a thread. And mixed in to all this ruckus is Real Crazy Rob Stardom (who I do not take lightly), jumping me while in disguise and when my back is turned, really whenever he finds a chance.

The problem I have here is that I had the perception that this guy was at the very least a MAN and would stand in front of me and challenge my hold on the Title Belt. Sadly this is not the case and I have to constantly look over my shoulder hoping he is not on his way out to mess with me and cause me trouble. I've wanted to wrestle him for some time but it has been tough as we are both in high demand in other feuds and when we finally meet, win/lose or draw it's gonna be ugly!!!

So keep your eyes on our website to stay updated on our events and all the info you would like or need.

We'll see you at the show!!!