(The frightening Reaper of 2 years ago)
After breaking up with his girlfriend, Reaper seemed to have lost the passion he once had for the business. It was truly a case of Beauty and the Beast. After the breakup there would be a downward spiral of what seemed to be loss after loss to wrestlers who were vastly inferior to the Reaper. He cast off his masked gimmick and is now making a comeback as Adrien Reaper. Can he regain the passion he once had as a rookie. It's a long road back, and it didn't get any easier facing former Reservoir Dog (RCW Tag Team Champion) Mr Pink aka Dirty Dick Walker.
(The towering Adrien Reaper tosses 250lb Walker across the ring)
(Dirty Dick Walker in command)
Walker seemed to psych out the younger man with his constant stalling tactics and ongoing trash talking, and although Reaper showed signs of his great rookie year, he was no match for Walker. With the proper motivation , this could be the comeback year for both Reaper and SPW.